When can I have a blitz at my place?

Usually we say you need to come to three permablitzes before you are eligible.  This helps you know what to expect, get some ideas for your garden, develop some skills and show us that you mean business.  There is some leeway however, especially if you contribute to the community in other ways or there may be social or physical restrictions which have made it hard for you to attend in the past.  So don’t be afraid to ask!

What is the process?

The steps  to having your own garden permablitzed are:

  1.  Have a permaculture  design prepared
  2. Ready the plants and  materials
  3. We announce the event
  4. You take registrations and send out the event info
  5. Prepare to feed everybody
  6. We Blitz!

We go through this entire process with you, supporting you all the way. The details of how are all  in our GET BLITZED section, and in the Permablitz Bay of Plenty host’s guide.
click here to download it

Blitzing the BOP community one garden at a time